Retail Business at Risk of Constant Cyber Attacks

According to the information provided by the security organizations, about 20 percent of all the cyber attacks are performed against small companies with the number of employees, reaching 200. Another group of institutions which is rather vulnerable to cyber attacks consists of banks and health care companies.

Each company, whether it is large or small, can become a target of cyber attacks if any of them maintain sensitive information represented by customer credit card details. Any commercial information including budgets, financial information and operational reports may also be demanded in the black market. If a company has access to sensitive information and if it does not work to prevent cyber attack, than the business as well as customers may be at risk as well. Nowadays US retailers are in the condition of constant prevention of cyber attacks. While taking some protective measures, about two thirds of these companies experience security decline.

But the main problem is that a company can only define its vulnerability when a hack attack has taken place. Most of the companies act using a methodology which is generally based on finding traces of malware and compromise. Nevertheless, US retailers manage to increase their security level and now they can feel more confident about the sensitive information they carry on.

At the same time the volume of malware is constantly growing but, thanks to taking certain security measures, spam was decreased by twenty percent. Security agencies mark that retail companies are in the right direction and their cooperation in preventing cyber attacks becomes really fruitful but there is a lot of work to be done.

Those people who use online shops need to be rather careful with submitting their credit card information as any time they do it they get at risk of losing money. The only thing they can do about it is to use large and reliable companies that do not save money on protection of their customers.

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